Secrets of the Flooded Forest - Danube National Park

Wildnis am Strom–Nationalpark Donauauen
Franz Hafner
by Franz Hafner – Produced by: ORF Universum, Natural History Unit – Austria 2010 – Running time: 53 min. –Feature area: Danube National Park, Austria

Along the Danube, between Vienna and Bratislava, the force of water is still capable of creating previously non-existent habitats: floods create new bluffs; new gravel banks and islands grow out of the current; forests are washed away and created from scratch. This dynamic is a valuable treasure, a living current no longer found anywhere else in Central Europe. The Danube floodplains East of Vienna are home to the last river wilderness.

Franz Hafner studied biology in Vienna in 1979–1981. Has been working as a photographer and freelance journalist covering wildlife, nature conservation and protection of endangered species since 1982. Participated in several open-air research projects in co-operation with the Vienna University of Agricultural. Sciences from 1988 onwards, including projects concerning the Siberian spruce grouse, Rock Partridge, Capercaillie and Siberian tiger. Was awarded the Science Promotion Award of the State of Carinthia in 1989. Published several books and numerous articles in scientific journals. Has worked in the film industry since 1995.