Entry form
art. 1) ASSOMIDOP* and the City of Sondrio’s Town Council Documentation Centre on Protected Areas are pleased to announce that the 39th edition of Sondrio Festival - International Documentary Film Festival on Parks is to be held between November 20th and November 30th 2025, in Sondrio, Italy.
art. 2) The Festival is open to film-makers of documentaries featuring naturalistic, ethnographic and managerial aspects of National Parks, Nature Reserves and other types of Protected Areas, classified as such by a national or local authority. Monographic films on single animal, plant species and/or abiotic aspects are taken into consideration and accepted only if the commentary specifically mentions that they have been filmed within a protected area.
The Film Festival’s Organizational Committee reserves all rights to create new categories out of competition for films that address environmental, agricultural and conservation issues, as well as sustainable development and human activities, these films may also refer to the Province of Sondrio territory.
Only films that were produced after 1st January, 2023 and not entered in previous editions of the Film Festival will be accepted.
art. 3) All films selected for the Film Festival are selected entirely at the discretion of the Scientific Committee. This means that films that do not adhere to the artistic, technical rules and requirements of the Festival, or that have excessive publicity and/or promotional contents, and that in general do not adhere to the educational goals and/or rules of the Film Festival will be excluded.
art. 4) The application form is to be completed on our on-line website: www.sondriofestival.it no later than May 16th, 2025.
Our festival is a partner of the International Alliance for Mountain Film, therefore it is also possible to submit the documentaries using the Multi-festival form available on the IAMF website: www.mountainfilmalliance.org (same deadline).
Copies of the films for pre-selections must be uploaded on the available space on our website www.sondriofestival.it (MOV or MP4 files, h.264, maximum frame size Full HD, maximum size for files 3 GB).
art. 5) All films that are entered and are not in Italian or English must be subtitled in either Italian or English.
art. 6) The films selected and included in the Festival competition will be dubbed in Italian. They will then be shown, free of charge, during the week of the Film Festival to a wide audience. In order that the selected films are included in the public screenings, the Organizational Committee requires that a copy of the selected films be in a professional format on file (this point needs to be discussed and agreed upon). The selected films must also have a separate international soundtrack: music & effects. All this material must be delivered no later than August 8th, 2025.
Authors, producers and/or rights owners consent that their submitted films selected for the competition are shown to the Festival audience, the Festival organization will not pay any fee for these screenings.
In addition to the screenings that will take place at the theatre and other festival locations, Sondrio Festival will also feature streaming/online events which will be available to a limited audience, for a limited time and accessible only within the Italian territory.
By submitting your film production, thus accepting these Rules and Regulations, you also agree to take part in the festival regardless of the format ultimately used, including streaming only or mixed mode (online/in person), for a limited audience and for a limited time on the Italian territory.
art. 7) The authors of the selected films will be ASSOMIDOP’s guests during the Festival (on days to be agreed upon with the festival organizers). The organizers reserve the right to invite representatives such as: film-makers, producers and park managers. These guests, depending on their specific skills, may be asked by the organizers to participate in various secondary activities that are proposed during the event.
art. 8) The films selected for the International Film Festival on Parks will be competing for the following monetary prizes, awarded by the Festival’s International Jury:
“LOMBARDY REGION” AWARD (3000 Euros) NOTE: This prize will be awarded for the documentary that best highlights the aspects of nature, culture, landscape and economy in protected areas within the European Union.
Special mentions may be given to participants by the Festival’s International Jury members.
Other prizes include:
“JURY OF THE STUDENTS” AWARD (500 Euros)(the students will value a selection of documentaries – both included and not included in the festival competition - chosen by the Scientific Committee)
Sondrio Festival also includes other prizes, such as
“ITALIAN ALPINE CLUB” – “RENATA VIVIANI” AWARD (1500 Euros) for the best documentary focusing on environmental protection and sustainable development of mountain areas, and which best represents the values of the Italian Alpine Club.
“ENZO MONTI AWARD” (1000 Euros) assigned by an independent jury from the Italia Nostra association, for the best documentary set in Italy.
The award-winning film-makers are welcome to take part in the Awards Ceremony that is to be held on the final evening of the event.
art. 9) The selected films will be viewed and judged by an International Jury in their original, unabridged and not translated version.
art. 10) The Organizational Committee guarantees utmost care in handling any physical copy of the films and/or any other material received and declines all responsibility for any kind of damage that may occur during shipping, projection or storage. The competitors are therefore advised to provide adequate insurance coverage for all the materials sent. (Reminder: Costs of shipping are at your own expense.) The Organization moreover declines all responsibility in case it should prove to be impossible, due to circumstances beyond their control, to hold the event. In such a situation all films and materials will be promptly returned to its senders; the participants renouncing any claim to compensation or indemnity on the part of the ASSOMIDOP.
art. 11) The Organizational Committee reserves the right to use the copies of films received for promoting the Film Festival and for educational, cultural and scientific purposes, including public showings free of charge, exclusively in the context of the activities of the Documentation Centre on Protected Areas of Sondrio’s Town Council, ASSOMIDOP and its members. Entrants automatically consent that ASSOMIDOP and the Documentation Centre on Protected Areas of Sondrio Town Council use clips of up to 3 minutes, for the Festival promotion and for educational, cultural and scientific purposes related to the Documentation Centre on Protected Areas initiatives.
art. 12) Copies sent to the Film Festival’s Organizational Committee will not be returned, but will become part of the archive materials at the Documentation Centre on Protected Areas of Sondrio’s Town Council.
art. 13) The registration of films for the Film Festival, made in accordance with art. 4, automatically implies acceptance of all of the above-mentioned regulations. Film-makers, producers and/or any other proxy who apply to the Film Festival, are fully responsible for having been legitimately authorized to submit such documentaries to the International Documentary Film Festival.
Entrants authorize ASSOMIDOP to enter their personal details in the Festival organization files on the basis of European Union regulation 2016/679 and the Italian Law 196/2003.
The application form is to be completed on-line at:
For more information please contact:
Mostra Internazionale dei Documentari sui Parchi
International Documentary Film Festival on Parks
Via Perego 1 ‑ 23100 Sondrio (Italy)
Tel. +39 0342 526260 E‑mail: info@sondriofestival.it www.sondriofestival.it
*ASSOMIDOP: An association comprising Sondrio Town Council, the Italian Alpine Club, the B.I.M. Consortium, the Stelvio National Park and Orobie Valtellinesi Nature Park for the management of Sondrio Festival.