Alaska’s Yukon Delta Wildlife Refuge

Alaska’s Yukon Delta Wildlife Refuge
by Eric Liner – Produced by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – U.S.A. 2013 – Running time: 9 min. – Featured area: Yukon Delta, Alaska, U.S.A.

Every year birds from around the world migrate to the Yukon Delta to nest and raise their young. The number of birds and diversity of species that annually visit the refuge is without equal elsewhere on the globe. It is truly one of the world’s most important sites for migratory birds.

Alaska’s Yukon Delta Wildlife Refuge by Eric Liner

Very few people are familiar with the YKD Wildlife Refuge in large part because it is so remote and difficult to access.  It is a vast rugged wilderness that supports an incredible diversity of wildlife and represents one of the world's most important breeding locations for migratory shorebirds a