-How long did you shoot your film?
The documentary was shot over a period of 6 months where two crews followed the sisters regularly.
-What were the most beautiful or curious days/aspects of your experience?
The coming together of the 4 tiger sisters in adulthood is a very rare occurrence. It goes to show how animals can adapt in a desperate attempt to survive, a very basic instinct. We had been following the sisters as they independently tired to establish their territories. It was the peak of Summer in India then. It was very hot to be in the forest and there was not much action happening. And then they get together, first attempting to kill a bison and then a bear! The bear hunt is also a rare occurrence. The fact that the 4 sisters together took over 15 minutes to bring the bear down goes to show their inexperience. There was a lot to observe about animal behaviour during the filming.
-What future projects for your work do you have?
We have just finished a film on the Asiatic Lions and it has been very well received in India and in the festival circuit. We have another film coming out of the resurgence of Manas National Park in India that had got wiped out because of militancy.